Saints row 2 peewee cheat
Saints row 2 peewee cheat

saints row 2 peewee cheat

Sons of Samedi Notoriety Reduced - Snatch, Mission 3 (University).Ronin Notoriety Reduced - Drug Trafficking, Mission 3 (Hotel and Marina).Reduced Bullet Damage - Heli Assault, Mission 3 (Bario).Pumped Up II - Fight Club, Mission 6 (Arena).Pumped Up - Fight Club, Mission 3 (Arena).

saints row 2 peewee cheat

  • Improved Weapon Accuracy II - Septic Avenger, Mission 6 (Suburbs).
  • Improved Weapon Accuracy - Septic Avenger, Mission 3 (Suburbs).
  • Health Regeneration (x3) - Snatch, Mission 6 (Chinatown).
  • saints row 2 peewee cheat

  • Health Regeneration (x2) - Snatch, Mission 3 (Chinatown).
  • saints row 2 peewee cheat

    Brotherhood Melee - Brotherhood, Mission 6.To unlock the abilities listed below, complete the mission listed in its entirety. Toad ATV - Complete 10 Hostage MissionsĪdditions wolf0287 Saints Row 2 Ability Cheats.(Put a pound sign before any number you insert). Keep in mind that using cheats will disable your ability to fulfill achievement requirements. Once the number is accepted, head to the in-game cheats menu and activate the unlocked cheat. To unlock the following retailer promotion vehicles, insert the cheats below into your in-game cell phone. To unlock the following weapons, insert the cheats below into your in-game cell phone. To unlock the following weather conditions, insert the cheats below into your in-game cell phone. To unlock the following world-altering affects, insert the cheats below into your in-game cell phone. To unlock the following vehicles, insert the cheats below into your in-game cell phone.

    Saints row 2 peewee cheat